Here's Filbert watching out the plane window as we landed in Munich:

Then it was off to get the rental car, and on to the Autobahn:

(I think the speed limit on the Autobahn was a little much for poor Filbert, but The Hand and I sure had a great time zipping along in our little rental Audi - note that European cars are apparently designed for much shorter people than us, as we both had serious "cricks" in our necks after driving this car around Germany for three days!)
We arrived in Rottweil, as you know from the last blog entry. There were over 600 dogs at the Klubsieger (which is the equivalent of a huge national specialty, drawing entries from all over Europe). Filbert had a great time visiting with his new friends, and enjoying the Bavarian landscape. Here's a photo of the town sqaure - very picturesque!

Rottweil welcomed all the Rottweilers with open arms - there were small silver doggie water bowls all over town at the shops where the dogs were welcome, and the ADRK (German Rottweiler club/registry) had commissioned several Rottweiler carvings that were scattered throughout the town. We found one at the local bakery:

I'll will post more later as we move on to Venice, Florence and Rome...
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