We made ready (with great sadness and regret - if you get the chance to visit Venice, GO! By all means, go there!!) to catch our train from Venice to Florence. Here's Filbert, packed and ready to go:
Upon arrival in Florence, we caught a taxi to our wonderful hotel, the Hotel Degli Orafi. This is the hotel that was used in the movie "Room with a View" and one can easily see why it was chosen. It has a rooftop terrace and bar (which they call an "American style" bar, interestingly enough) with a view from the front of the Arno River and Ponte Vecchio Bridge, and from the back the Pallazo Vecchio and the Duomo. We drank in both the view and something called a Very Berry Martini (which I highly recommend - yum!)
This is the view toward the Palace & Duomo.
In the morning, we headed for the "breakfast room" which was unbelievable! Vi
ews from every window, this was a huge room with a fabulous buffet style breakfast...and check out the ceiling! The high point had to be the cappucino. I am a coffee fanatic, and there is NOTHING that I've tasted at home that even comes close. I can now be caught gazing longingly at the $900 espresso machines in the Macy's houseware department. Unfortunately, they are out of my budget. Maybe the $15 stovetop model?? Anyway, see if you can spot Filbert in the photo. He blends in a bit, but you can see his head poking up into the picture just under the nearest chandelier.

Later in the day, we headed for the Accademia Gallery to see Michelangelo's David, and then a visit to the Uffizi to gaze upon priceless paintings and sculpture. A note in one of the guidebooks made an impression - it said that Italy is the home to over 60% of the world's important historical artwork, and that over half of that is located in the city of Florence. What an experience! I would love to go back and spend a month or two!!
On to Rome in the next post...
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