Monday, May 19, 2008

Ravelry Group

I almost forgot to mention that Knot Just Yarn recently started a group on Ravelry - everyone is welcome to come and join us in our discussions about yarn, projects, techniques...heck, we even have some martini recipes and the topics seem to swerve from fiber to food and beverages on a regular basis! So if you are a Raveler, please join in. If you haven't joined yet, it's quite simple. Just go to and sign up as a new user. There is a waiting list, but it really doesn't take very long to receive an invitation (I think when I first signed on there were about 4ooo people waiting, and it only took a few days). So come and join in the fun! There are sections to organize your yarn, needles, books and patterns, and we'd love to see and share your works in progress, as well as those finished projects! 'Til then,
Knit..knit some more,
Becky (a.k.a. Pointedstix)

After the Tour

Wow! What a wild four days!!! We had a great time meeting new people, greeting old friends, and just generally dashing around the shop stamping passports, making sure visitors knew where the daily drawing entry blanks were, refilling the pitcher of iced tea, restocking the chocolate truffle plate, and helping locate certain needles, patterns or yarn. We had a great time, and it sure seemed like all the "Tourists" did as well! Just like last year, I had the best of intentions to take photos during each day. But just like last year, there wasn't any TIME!! We did get a shot of our local group, who had four completed passports among 'em. They got a rousing cheer when they walked through the door grinning and waving their passports showing they'd actually made it to all 24 stores! Congratulations, and we'll cross our fingers that one of you wins the Grand Prize!

After the photo shoot in front of the shop, the ladies had brought in a bunch of munchies for a little "After Party" - here's a shot of those festivities. Thanks for the snack, by the way - by Sunday night Laura and I were getting sort of addled, and the food really helped...

Once again, the Tour was a resounding success! Many thanks to all the shops that participated, as well as all the great people who trekked from Kent to Bellingham, with stops all along the way. I especially want to thank my core group of "regulars" who do so much to support the shop, both during special events such as this, but also in their day to day lives. It's much appreciated!

Knit...knit some more,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

LYS Tour 2008

It's almost here!! Thursday is the start of the 2008 LYS Tour, with 24 shops in the Pacific NW participating this year. Stop in for your passport and get ready to start your engines!! For those energetic participants who make it to all 24 shops, there is the chance of winning the Grand Prize, which is a gift certificate of $500 to the shop of your choice. And each shop is holding daily drawings, as well as offering every "tourist" a free pattern featuring a one skein project in a yarn that they are featuring for the tour.

We are using Malabrigo Worsted, and during the tour it will be 10% off! So stop in to fill out an entry for the daily drawing and get your passport stamped to be eligible for the Grand Prize (remember you have to make it to all 24 stores to be eligible to win the Grand Prize).

We will have tea and truffles plus lots of great fiber and yarn to tempt you, and there will be some unadvertised specials, too! The shop will be open from 10-9 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday from 10-6...we're looking forward to seeing you all during this whirlwind event!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Knot Just Sock Yarn

Shhh. We're teasing you.