Monday, May 19, 2008

Ravelry Group

I almost forgot to mention that Knot Just Yarn recently started a group on Ravelry - everyone is welcome to come and join us in our discussions about yarn, projects, techniques...heck, we even have some martini recipes and the topics seem to swerve from fiber to food and beverages on a regular basis! So if you are a Raveler, please join in. If you haven't joined yet, it's quite simple. Just go to and sign up as a new user. There is a waiting list, but it really doesn't take very long to receive an invitation (I think when I first signed on there were about 4ooo people waiting, and it only took a few days). So come and join in the fun! There are sections to organize your yarn, needles, books and patterns, and we'd love to see and share your works in progress, as well as those finished projects! 'Til then,
Knit..knit some more,
Becky (a.k.a. Pointedstix)

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